Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence Day!!!

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!

This 4th of July was full of firsts for me. Yesterday i had a job interview downtown and afterward I decided to go to Grant Park and hang out. So, I pulled out my blanket and spent the next 8 hours there. I read 1 1/2 books, got to enjoy some of the Taste, took a nap and of course saw the fireworks. There were thousands of people around. It was pretty crazy. Thanks to Caitlin for stopping by and keeping me company for a while. I ended up getting home at about 12:30 last night after I fought the crowd and then rode my bike home in the rain.

Today I slept in. Lounged around the house, watched some flicks on my computer and decided I should probably get out and do something instead of mope around the house all day.....and I am so glad I did!!! I decided to treat myself to a movie. This was the first time I ever went to a movie by myself. I went to see Knocked Up. It was hilarious!!! I am so glad I picked that one to go to. There are so many movies I want to see that are out now. I will definitely have to treat myself to a movie again soon. After the movie I went to the parking garage, 3rd floor, to get my car and I looked out at the city and you could see fireworks everywhere. I spent the next 20mins or so just watching them. It was amazing and beautiful. I was even more glad at this point that I decided to get out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, good to hear things are going well 4 u. I wondered about your state of being, but it sounds like you r getting your life together-way to go!!