Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I'm Back!!!

I finally got my DSL all hooked up and working. My phone line was turned on today and it only took me a few hours to get everything hooked up. It has been about a week since I blogged last so I will just hit the highlights in my life.

Saturday, Sexy, her dad and I all went to a party in honor of her friend who just got married. We weren't there that long and then we took her dad to his motel near midway. He had a very early flight. Sexy and I then headed back to her place. Sunday sexy and I braved the heat and went to the Brandi Carlile concert at the Taste. It was HOT!!! At least we wore sunblock! After the concert we went and found some shade and then decided on what food we wanted to treat ourselves to at the Taste. We had Mango cumin-dusted fries with tamarind chutney, a vegetable somosa, hummus shirazi, and finally we had strawberry and lemon italian ice. I think we got a lot of variety for our 16 tickets, and the food was all good. By this time we were hot and getting tired but we decided to head to Millinium Park and walk through the water. We got a little bit wet and it was nice and cool for the ride home on the train.

Monday night was a square dance. I was so glad when I got there and found out it was going to be in the basement where it is air conditioned. It still got plenty warm in there with about 30 people dancing. I had a good time and then headed over to sexy's. I had some ice cream then it was off to bed because we had to be in Hyde Park by 9 am on Tuesday.

After sexy's dentist appointment we went to the health food store in Hyde Park and then we went to visit one on sexy's friends in Hyde Park. I had a good time listening to her and her friend talk about books and other things. We then walked to the record store. Sexy got some good deals on a couple of records and I got hit on! We then headed to Chinatown for tofu and lunch. Lunch was great. I had pineapple chicken with shrimp fried rice and it came in a cut out pineapple. Pretty cool! We both had Tapioca smoothies. Different but very good! I am definitely going to have to go to Chinatown again soon. It was almost like taking a vacation right in chicago!

1 comment:

caitlin said...

glad you've been enjoying exploring chicago. it has so much to offer!