Wednesday, February 7, 2007

What the HELL?

Why is it that when things seem to be looking up....everything comes crashing down. I finally got my car back yesterday and was returning the rental this morning. Going back to work and telling my boss off. Well, instead i am home. No, it is not my son he is fine and at school.

Here's the story.
I dropped the rental off this morning and they took me to my car. Good...except the guy drove away and my car wouldn't start. I then had to sit in my car for 30mins. while waiting for the shop to open. I don't think I had feeling anywhere in my body. Remember it is 0 degrees here in Chicago. I really just wanted to cry....but then i would have had frozen tear drops on my face. Finally the shop opened and they jump my car and took a look at it. Something is won't keep a charge. They looked at the battery, the cables, all they could think of and still won't keep a charge. Finally around 11 i told work i was not going to be in at all and asked the shop to give me a ride home. I am finally just starting to thaw out. Now maybe i will cry. I hope they figure out what is wrong and soon. I am thinking about cancelling my party on Friday. This week was already going to be super busy and i didn't even account for the kid getting sick and all of this crazy car stuff. i have missed 3 days of work and i have a crazy amount of work there to do. Tomorrow is my birthday and i was really looking forward to it but i am not sure now. Sexy is super busy and stressed and i feel like i should just give her space. I don't need to cause more stress in my life with my relationship so i guess i should just back off. Write more later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Deb, I'm so sorry. I will be calling you soon!