Saturday, October 4, 2008


I am officially moved now. YEAH! I really like my new place. Thank you to all my friends and family who helped me. I couldn't have done it without them. So now I am in the process of unpacking. This I hate. I think the worse part is the whole being unorganized. I have come to hate caos or a messy house and right now that is what I have. It stresses me out! I know it is only temporary until I get everything out of boxes and where it belongs.

I don't know if it is the move or what but the last few days have been emotional for me. And those who know me know I tend to not be very emotional. Today I got into a fight with a good friend over text and then I had a 3 hour conversation with the girlfriend about how unhappy I am with things right now. Why do things have to be so difficult??? I mean my day did not even start out well. I had a dream about the ex that set my emotions off first thing this morning. I was fucking crying in the shower. WOW, that is so not me. I am trying so hard to move on with my life and to try to get C off my mind but I keep having these strange encounters with her and even stranger dreams. I want to be at a place where I can have her in my life and not have all these mixed up emotions toward her.

Well, tomorrow is a new day and maybe i can fucking keep myself from crying tomorrow and get some unpacking done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's perfectly normal to feel emotional right now. You are dealing with a lot of relationship, new home, new friends,..that's a lot to take on! Plus I still think it's early to have completely gotten over the past...Honestly you're handling all this really well. You are a strong woman! And it is very much okay to have an emotional day. I love you!