Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy Monday

Today was a pretty good day for a Monday. Usually, I hate Mondays because we are so busy at work. I don't mind the paper work but usually I mess up at some point in time when my boss wasn't there at the end of last week and I hear about it on Monday. I must be getting lots better because I didn't get that today. I really do enjoy my job but after an emotional weekend I was dreading work this morning. I am glad it went well.

I went grocery shopping after work and then came home and cooked dinner while jr. did his homework. I just got done taking a shower and I think I am going to go crawl under my warm covers and read a book as soon as I get done blogging. No more unpacking tonight. Kat is coming over tomorrow to help me put Jr's loft together and my cabinet. I am already looking forward to the weekend. Jr. will be at his dads and I can go out and have some fun. Also, the Girlyman concert is this Sunday. I still have 1 extra ticket if anyone wants to go.

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