Monday, September 29, 2008

2 days left

I am moving on Wednesday and so far I have my kitchen, bathroom and front room all packed up. Jr is working on his bedroom and I am working on mine. There is still more to pack but I feel like I got a lot accomplished over the weekend. Thanks to Kat and Lisa for coming to help me pack yesterday. My parents and older sister are coming into town tomorrow evening. So with their help I am sure we can get everything else packed up before Wednesday morning.

I am definitely having mixed emotions about moving. I am excited about moving somewhere new but also sad to leave behind the memories that are here. Some I can do with out but I have lived here for 5 years and Jr has done a lot of growing up here. It will be strange being in a new place. But I am excited about my new place and the future. Things seem to be looking up in my life and this new place is just 1 step closer to my future happiness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck with the move babe! I am so excited for you! :)