Monday, October 13, 2008

Wii anyone?

Saturday night I went over to Charles' to hang out with him, Hugo and Joe. We had a great time playing wii, drinking wine and eating yummy food. I was a bit nervous hanging out with them since I always hung out with them and Caitlin together but once I was there everything was good. I had a good time with them and didn't find myself thinking about C. There of course was lots of lesbian jokes and lots of laughing. We played this one wii game that was a mixture of keeping the beat and dancing. It was a workout and my arms are even a bit sore today from playing it. I wish I could remember the name. I am definitely going to have to buy it. Jr. will love it. Thanks Ch, hugo and joe for saturday night fun!!!

Last night I went with Lisa to go see Girlyman. For those of you who know me you know I am crazy about Girlyman and I have been looking forward to going to see them for awhile. I have to say I had a good time but was a bit disappointed in their song selections. Plus they didn't seem to have the same excitement in their music as they usually do. I also am not quite sure how I feel about some of their new songs. One was very cheezy. I forgot to tell Lisa to wear comfortable shoes so she was a bit miserable standing for that long. She was such a trooper. She had never even heard of Girlyman and still agreed to go out with me to their concert. She says she liked them and she thought they were funny. Thanks for being a good "cheap date" Lisa.


Unknown said...

Group Wii is sooooooooo much fun!

mygirlpurple said...

yes, it was a great time. I definitely should have group wii time more often. I will have to have some people over for a wii night when I get my place all set up.