Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Quote of the Day!

To make a long story short Jr. had the day off from school and this afternoon we went to the park. While there Jr. decided to climb a tree. No problem, I climbed trees when I was his age. What I never guessed he would do was jump from this tree. (he doesn't like to jump off of things) He sort of landed on his feet but fell back very hard on his tailbone. OUCH!!! After a while sitting there and getting him to calm down we managed to get back home. So we got home, put ice on his tailbone(it was swelled up about the size of a baseball), took some motrin, called the doctor and he laid down. He wanted to talk to his dad and others (sympathy always makes you feel better) When talking to his grandma on the phone he got real serious and he said " I didn't know jumping from such a small tree could hurt so much!" What a great quote from a six year old with a very sore bottom!


Unknown said...

Kids say the darndest things! I love them! Babe, sorry I couldn't call you today. I had a whirl of a day..went into San Francisco! Loved it! Ate at Cheesecake Factory on the top floor of Macy's. It was a gorgeous nite in SF. oh my godddd....ess...(this is definitely rubbing off from reading Caitlin's blog)Anyway, my mom had a lil accident and fell (not off the building) but near the balcony area up there. She got hurt and almost kicked this drunk guy's ass. It was quite the hilarious scene(in retrospect)We had streaks of bad luck today. Had a fight earlier with a fax machine at kinkos. My mom that is. Had my BART card eaten up by the damn machine. Later in SF my mom's card became demagnitized. Dealt with that. Then lost my car in the BART parking lot. It was a crrrazy day! I did manage to get drunk with my sister on Greygoose vodka and tonics. She had well-mannered dirty martinis. mmmm...they were so f'in good!!!!!!! Funniest part was my mom, who had NO drinks, seemed to be the drunkest of all! Tell ya more tomorrow! Oh, I'm doing laser surgery tomorrow pm. I'll call u before that. Love you.

Unknown said...

If you ever finally use the gift card I gave Cheesecake Factory...(hint, hint) YOU MUST TRY THEIR PORTABELLA SANDWICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD.