Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday Night Fun!!!

A while ago a couple of my friends invited me to go to the chix mix in September. As yesterday rolled around I was not feeling the best but not being the type of person to cancel i went out. I am so glad I did. I had the best time I have had in I don't know how long. I was a bit nervous going to the chix mix with out a gf since that is what I had done mostly in the past but I knew I would have a good time dancing with my friends and we all know I am not shy (especially after a few drinks). We got there early so we had time to drink before the dancing even started. Once more people got there one of my friends and I decided to dance. We were the first ones out on the dance floor so we got our picture taken several times. As the night went on the dancing got even more fun and got a lot closer. On one of our smoke breaks i was introduced to one of the owners of chix mix. She was super sweet and funny to talk too. She made my night later in the evening when she pushed me against the steel cage.....we'll leave the rest of the details out! I had the best time dancing and I also scored free tickets to go see Suzanne Westenhoefer tonight. I have always wanted to see her.
It was a fun and crazy night and now I need to hop in the shower and go out to get my car which is still somewhere in boystown.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We want ALL the details please! jk..