Saturday, September 13, 2008

Long really SUCKS!!!

As most of you know Misty and I are doing the long distance thing. Wow, is it ever hard! I have done the long distance thing before for a couple of months but this is much harder. It has been harder for one because we have had such difficulty talking on the phone since her cell phone sucks and US cellular doesn't have coverage in TX. That will change next week as she will have t-mobile so we will be able to talk. I love talking to her and that will makes things easier.

This morning I have been pretty lonely. I just want to be close to her, to hold her. I miss that. I guess maybe that is the worst part. I never thought of myself as much of a physical person until the past few years but I definitely am. I love the closeness, the cuddling, the holding of hands...etc. This is something I need and it is hard to not have it. I just keep telling myself it is temporary. She will be back before I know it and we can have all that. I have realized this week that I think Misty is the one I want to have a future with. We were talking earlier about Jr and her daughter and how things would be when they were teenagers. Looking into the future like this makes me so happy. It makes me happy knowing i love someone and she loves me back and wants to be in my future and I in hers. So, getting through the next few months is going to be extremely tough but I feel the future seems very bright after that.

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