Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Almost passing out

Even when one is really depressed they should eat and sleep. I have had trouble doing both. Sure I've dropped 10 pounds in the last week but my body is really messed up right now. I had to learn the hard way tonight. I almost passed out at the store tonight. I had to open a package of granola bars right there at the store in hopes it would give my body enough instant nutrition. That sort of scared me a little. I am going to end up in the hospital if I don't start eating and sleeping. I am off to bed now. Hopefully i will sleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are most important right now, remember! Take care of yourself. I understand you've lost your appetite, but try to at least have 3 solid meals..:) Wish I was there to cook for you!!! Sorry that I am not...