Monday, January 29, 2007


By far the worst part of being a mother is cleaning up vomit. Yuck! Yes, i just had to clean some up. I know you want to say yes disgusting but your poor baby is he didn't just throw up. He did it last night and didn't tell me.....i discovered it when i went to put him in bed tonight. So, i told him to get some tissue and clean it up.....not so good. Yes, you guessed it he got sick so then i had more vomit to clean up. Well, it is done and i had a nice talk with my super independant 5 year old about how he needs to wake mommy up next time.

On to better things. so last night my girlfriend Caitlin came over for dinner and then to watch the L-word. I made this really good bean soup....i will have to post the recipe sometime. So, after dinner Caitlin(which i will refer to as sexy from now on) and my son headed to his room where they worked for the next couple of hours cleaning and sorting toys. They did a great job. I have such a wonderful girlfriend. We got the kid to bed and had a little bit of time before the L-word so we headed to the bedroom to fool around. Always a fun time. Watched the L-word.....i think sexy is getting pulled into it now. Then it was off to bed.....well more fooling around first.

Today was uneventful. Crazy day at work....had a killer headache by the end of the day. Came home and did some knitting. I am about 1/2 done with my son's scarf. yeah!


caitlin said...

so you just see me as a an object, huh? not as a person?

i hope your whom/which mistake was accidental! otherwise, we need to talk!

mygirlpurple said...

It was definitely accidental. Just bad at grammar. You are definitely a person and a pretty sexy one at that.