Wednesday, January 24, 2007


so my day was very good today. work was nice and rewarding. what do i do you say? Well lets just say most days i feel like i am in a battle zone, but today was a good day. So, i am feeling good after work and pick up my son and am excited to get home and start knitting. Did i just say i was excited to knit......sometimes i surprise myself. Those who know me are also surprised at this too. So, i was hoping not to have a knitting disaster and i think i succeeded. I and many will be surprised to know that my hooded scarf is actually starting to look like a hooded scarf. Amazing! Didn't really do much of anything else tonight.

Thank you for your comments. Yes, connie all we did was make out....what do you expect with a five year old in the room but don't worry i think we more then enough make up for it when the five year old isn't around. oh yes!

good night all. i must head to the bedroom and call my sexy girlfriend.

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