Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Not a good mother week!

I am in a mood and i don't even feel like blogging but i will. I am having one of those frustrating moments where i feel like shit because i am being pulled in all directions. Sometimes i just want to say fuck it. I can't handle this single mom thing, relationship, job and all the other shit in my life. But then i remember for the most part being a mom and being in a relationship is good but times like tonight make me think that they clash. And the job, well it sucks. I wish my boss would get off my back and try to destroy someone elses life because i can destroy my life on my own.....i don't need her help. I am trying to hold my life together and i feel at anytime someone or something is going to cut that duct tape that is holding it together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb great blog very intresting to learn how your days are going. Hope all is well they seem to be some misadventures that go on but they all sound liek fun.