Saturday, January 27, 2007

knitting and square dancing

so the hooded scarf is done and now i have taken on the challenge of making my son a scarf for his upcoming birthday. it is kind of fun to make things for others.

today i got up super early so my son could take a test to try to get into a gifted program. i'm sorry but 8am is too early for even a 5 year old to take a test. and it was definitely too early for his mother who was up really late last night. the testing got done and then i tried to take a nap before heading to my gay square dancing class. Yes.....i said square dancing! So, i head to the girlfriends to see her before i head to dancing. She helped me pick out some yarn for my next couple of knitting projects. then i was off to square dancing where again i had a great time. i've been to 3 classes and i am learning a lot and it is fun to dance a socialize with other people. i will have to tell you more about square dancing at a later time. well, i am too tired to knitt anymore and to blog so see ya.

1 comment:

caitlin said...

glad you have fun socializing with other people besides your girlfriend! i am so glad you "get" square dancing!