Tuesday, February 19, 2008

weekend in iowa

i made it back from my extended weekend in iowa. I had a nice relaxing time. Jr. celebrated his birthday at Recess, Go Banana's. He had a bit of a rough time there. He fell and twisted his ankle and then he got his tooth knocked out. It was rough but i think he still managed to have a good time. We spent a lot of time playing games the rest of the weekend. We played the dvd versions of Are you smarter than a fifth grader and scene it jr. My best friend from high school came over sunday night so we played Hand and Foot. The weather really sucked so it was good we had lots of games to play. Under the the several inches of snow on the ground was an inch or so of ice. this posponed my trip back to chicago by a day. I am so glad i waited till today to come back. In a 70 mile stretch from my parents house to close to the illinois/iowa state line we passed 167 car/trucks in the ditch. it was crazy. most had just slid into the ditch but some went for a crazy ride down embankments and some even flipped over. I was so thankful that i stayed at my parents cozy house an extra day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.