Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A new post? Why yes it is!

Things have been crazy lately. Last week sexy had this big curtain project that she was feeling bad about so I helped her out as much as I could. That included a big chunk of my day on Thursday and all day Saturday and Sunday. We did start out the weekend having a good time at the Alma event of Friday night. Sexy and I double dated with Charles and Hugo to go to the fundraising event. It was nice to get out and have adult conversation. I got up early on Saturday to come back to my place because my new refridgerator was arriving. After that I had just enough time to pick up sexy and head downtown to work on curtains. The rest of my weekend included lots of pinning (my poor fingertips), some measuring, cutting and a little ironing. At 8:15 sunday night the curtains were done!

Monday was one of those days to forget. I was having a Debbie Downer day. One of those "I can't believe this is my life and it is ever going to get any better" days. I then did some tutoring in the afternoon and then I took sexy up to Vogue to get foam for another of her projects. They didn't have it but it was ordered so i guess it wasn't a total waste of time, although i felt a phone call could have taken care of that too. Sexy then helped to motivate me and helped me with a list of things to do the next day.

Then yesterday as I was enjoying my breakfast and reading the paper I glance at my horoscope. It said something about good job opportunity day. I decided I should take some time to do that inbetween my cleaning. I am glad I did. By chance I contacted a school who is looking for a teacher and they wanted me to fax off my resume. I did that and shortly after I got a call and it looked like a CPS number so I answered thinking it was the principal of the school I just faxed my resume too. No, it was a different school that I had sent my resume to a few weeks ago. They wanted to interview me. So, now I have an interview Thursday and maybe the possibility of more. That is exciting!

1 comment:

caitlin said...

good luck with your interview tomorrow- i hope it goes well!