Friday, March 19, 2010

Movie laughs

My sister and I were watching this movie the other night called I Can't Think Straight. It is a lovely independent lesbian film. It is about an Indian woman who falls in love with a Middle Eastern women. The women were beautiful and it was a great storyline also. I love when movies mix cultural differences with the whole "coming out" experience. The reason I am bringing this up because there was this one part in the movie that i couldn't stop laughing at. It was so hilarious that i had to keep rewinding it to play it over and over again. I guess I needed a good laugh. So anyway the Indian daughter has just told her mom she is gay and the mom is freaking out. In walks dad.......he asks what the problem is. Mom is still freaking out she can't say anything. The daughter turns to her dad and says......i am gay. The dad then says......"but I have only been gone 2 hours!" It was just so funny but I guess maybe you have to see it to find the humor in it.

On a side note to this I find it interesting that it was the dad who handled the news much better than the mom. In my personal case it was the same. My dad was always hard on me and more than anything I never wanted to let my parents down....especially my dad. When I came out i told my mom a couple months before my dad and although she didn't freak out it bothered her. I was so scared to tell my dad but when I did he said he already knew. He wasn't stupid, he picks up on things. My dad has seemed to accept me being a lesbian but my mom still thinks it is a phase. I am still surprised at that. After this last breakup my mom even said now maybe i can forget all this non sense. I know she just wants whats best for me. And my mom was very happy when i was with Lisa. She really liked her. I just wish she could understand that this is who I am...the way i was made and it is not a phase.

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